
Archive for the ‘A 21 Campaign’ Category

” Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your strength.”  Ecclesiastes 9:10 a  New Life Version (NLV)

Want to give to missions or help in some way, but don’t know how?

The A-21 Campaign, an organization that helps victims of human trafficking and sex slavery offers these 21 ways to help :

1. Write a letter to a trafficking survivor.
2. Save your change for missions
3. Talk about missions organizations on your social media sites
4. Educate yourself about trafficking or other problems the missionaries face in the areas where they work (Check out their online resources)
5. Intern with a missions organization or write to the organization and find out if there is any way they can use your particular talents.
6. Be a walking billboard – advertise missions organizations on your tee-shirts or purchase items made. Why not? we “advertise” everything else????
7. Give gifts to those in need
8. Pray!
9. Use your talents to spread the word – Write, Sing, Make a short video, etc.
10. Keep informed about the areas of your missions interest by subscribing to newsletters, reading newspapers, etc.
11. Start an awareness group to help others get involved and to pray together
12.Hhost a get-together to promote your missions cause
13. Never work alone – two can do more than one person.
14. Become an activist – stand up for the rights of trafficking victims
15. Fast one day per month
16. Partner with corporate sponsors for seasonal promotions.
17. Forward videos by your missions organization (Why not? We forward everything else!)
18. Link with local people or organizations to work for missions at a grass-roots level
19.Invest “sweat equity” into missions – Put together a fund raising event or make something to sell for missions
20. Don’t buy products made by modern day slave labor
21. Be part of the solution – ask god to show you what you have in your hands that you can do for missions!

This list was created specifically by the A-21 Campaign for their organization, but the truth is, most of these things can apply to any missions organization you want to support.  The big thing is to get out there and DO something!

I am currently selling my novel about Rahab to raise money for several missions organizations dealing with victims of  human trafficking. But I also love to sew and have lots of free fabric which came from my mother-in-law’s stash. It makes the most wonderful dolls which I can now sell for missions. I’ll be posting an ad soon to let people know where they can get these dolls.

So What has God given you to do?  Give it all you’ve got today!

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Raising awareness of issues like human trafficking is not always easy. For one thing, it’s a problem we might not want to think about because it is so frightening. The reality of it is that any of our children or grand children could become a victim. And no one wants to thing about a loved one’s picture being the next one on the milk carton or on the Wal-Mart wall.

But hearing of victories in the fight against sex slavery and human trafficking gives us hope! I received a newsletter from the A-21 Campaign this week and wanted to share some exciting things happening in Greece regarding trafficking issues:

  • ” Across the last few weeks we have launched the new A21 website, held school presentations in three countries worldwide, began the new A21 internship program in Greece, and saw our first court case VICTORY! We have also been able to spread awareness about human trafficking at a whole new level, including the opportunity to meet with significant leaders at the US Department of State during the release of the 2010 Trafficking in Persons report.” 

Through the generous giving of their supporters, the A-21 campaign makes it possible for many of the girls which come to them  to study at universities, earning their degrees to fulfill their dreams. For many of these girls, it was their dreams which caused them to become enmeshed in the sex slave market.A slave trafficker may have offered them the opportunity to study abroad through some generous program. Other girls were offered employment opportunities in another area away from their home. Many of them believed these opportunities were legitimate, but were duped by these unscrupulous men.

  • “Across this last month it has also been very exciting to witness the girls who have come through the A21 Crisis Shelter truly find hope and move beyond the pain of their past circumstances. Through the support and generosity of our partners, we have been able to provide the opportunity for girls to study at university and obtain the necessary education and skills needed for them to truly fulfill their dreams. We are also proud of three of our recent graduates as they have just begun new jobs (and with the state of the current Greek economy, this is a true miracle)!”

In addition to their education  efforts, the testimonies of the girls themselves amazes me.

  • “One of our graduates has had a particularly exciting month. Felicia*(Name changed for her protection) is a girl who came to our shelter last year after we found her in slavery. We worked to establish relationship, trust, and hope, and through her bravery, we were able to help set up a raid with the local police – and set her free!Showing immense courage from the start, Felicia made the decision to testify against her traffickers at the end of June, and has stood her ground in the midst of many obstacles, including health related problems and many threats from her traffickers.When the verdict was read the trafficker was found GUILTY by unanimous vote, given a steep fine, and sent to JAIL! This case will now be referred to in future trials as a significant precedent, and holds record of A21’s key involvement throughout the case!

    This case was the first of many victories to come for the girls that we are helping! The A21 Campaign is committed to raising awareness, taking legal action where appropriate, and offering rehabilitation services to rescued victims of human trafficking.”

Praise God for this amazing precedent and Victory! Organizations like the A-21 Campaign are making a difference – one life at a time.

Please consider signing up for their newsletters or giving a donation to help at the A-21 Campaign website.

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